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Humble Bundle


Skóre reakcí
Prosím o radu, koupil jsem si tam hru, a stále ji tam nemám i přesto, že mi banka strhla peníze, nevíte jak to tam funguje ? děkuji
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Tak vydrž, musí něco ověřit než ti ten nákup "schválý". Píšou, že to nemusí nutně znamenat, že je něco špatně na tvé straně, ale že jen musí něco ověřit a může to chvíli trvat.
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Jo to mi též došlo, ale už jim to trvá 4 hodiny, což je mizérie
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
No to bych spíš počítala v řádu pár pracovních dnů než v hodinách :)
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
cože až tak, tak to tam ruším
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
nebudu to rušit, ale příště tam už nic nekoupím
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Já bych to s nima úplně nevzdávala, mě se to za ty roky nikdy nestalo. Neplatil jsi to třeba kartou, která není na tvoje jméno. To si umím představit, že by pro mě mohl být "red flag".
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Flu děkuji za odpovědi, jinak jsem zvyklej na rychlé služby a tohle je pomalé jak česká ekonomika, kartu jsem zadal správně
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Hele, bankovní kartu, kterou nemají v popisku jsi asi nepoužil (určitě máš MasterCard nebo Visu), já tedy nějakou dobu platím na Humble přes GPay, dříve jsem ale také platil kartou. Měl jsi tam vyplněné vše? I to, že pocházíš z České republiky? Jinak, myslím, že nemusíš mít obavy, případnou platbu, pokud by nebyla dodán klíč, též dostaneš zpět. Je tedy divné, že máš takovou potíž, nikdy jsem se na Humblebundle s problémy nesetkal, podobně jako na Green Man Gaming, občas si vybírám dle kurzu eura (Humble) a dolaru (Green), když se tedy nenechám zlákat výprodeji jinde.
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Zadával jsem tam i adresu, a mam visa kartu, no počkam a uvidím, spíše je divné, že jsem jim poslal dva mejloše a žádná odezva, jinak jakej je web toho green shopu prosím ?
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Pak opravdu netuším, kde mohl vzniknout problém, asi sis vybral dobu, kdy vznikla nějaká prapodivná platební anomálie..
Odkaz na Green: Green Man Gaming | Buy Games, Game Keys & Digital Games Today

Až teď se koukám, že i na Greenovi jsou platby v eurech, měl jsem za to, že jsou tam dolary. No, možná tam byly a bylo to změněno.
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děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Děkuji za web
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Na Humblebundle už nakupujem niekoľko rokov, no nemal som zatiaľ problém s nejakým overovaním. Ak si im písal na podporu, to sa môžeš spoľahnúť na to, že ti odpíšu tak o 2 dni najskôr. Ale inak nerozumiem tomu, prečo si to kupoval na Humble, keď tam majú rovnakú cenu ako priamo na Epicu? To si mohol rovno kúpiť na fanatical, tam majú aspoň 10 % zľavu.
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Na Epicu je natvrdo 1799,- Kč, kdežto na Humble je to 59,99,- Eur, což v přepočtu na české koruny dělá něco lehce nad 1400,- Kč. Rozdíl je již více než znatelný. Takže asi proto.. Je tedy ale pravda, že na těch stránkách, co zmiňuješ, mají onu slevu, ale třeba já o těchto stránkách slyším prvně, neznal jsem je. Takže díky za další tip. ;)
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Nevedel som, že máte na Epicu v Česku ceny v českých korunách... ale nie je to nejako veľa? Veď 1799 Kč je podľa aktuálneho kurzu skoro 80€. Toľko stojí vlastne Gold edícia. Keď to je pravda, tak Epic vám s tou menovou politikou riadne zavaril.
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Zobrazit přílohu 63212
Jo, jó, takhle nějak to vypadá. Díval jsem se, jestli to nejde někde změnit, ale pravidla nastavuje asi to, jakou zemi zadáš.
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
fúúú... to by ma zaujímalo, podľa čoho stanovovali ten kurz, lebo 80€ = 2400 Kč, to bolo už riadne dávno (teda ak vôbec :D ). Možno práve kvôli tejto cene mu overujú tú platbu :D
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Tak v tomhle mám jednoznačně jasno, sice mám tu hru u nich, ale kupovanou jinde. Vydírání cenou ať si strčí do patřičných končin. :D
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Tak toto je z ich strany, teda minimálne obchodu riadne krok vedľa, takže sa ani nedivím, že sa vám Čechom tie ich ceny nepozdávajú. Ale aspoň máme/máte iné možnosti, kde kúpiť lacnejšie kľúče.
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Tam mají pořád takový šílený ceny - Final Fantasy VII tam stojí 2119,-Kč, kdežto na steamu to vyjde na 1880,- Kč. Proto tam nikdy nenakupuji za plnou cenu a je lepší si počkat na sezónní slevy, nebo na vánoce rovnou na kupóny. Koupíš si hru zdarma dostaneš kupón v hodnotě 250,- a odečteš si to.
Ale když už se bavíme, tak není nad Slovensko zdražení plynu vloni v druhém pololetí o 18% a Česko o 230% - to mi řekni jak to děláte?:)
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děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Ale toto mi príde, akoby niekto chlastal, keď nastavoval tie ceny, resp. kurz. Lebo takto to máte vlastne 30 Kč = 1 €. To mi príde, akoby si niekto pomýlil Česko so Slovenskom a rafli vám tam kurz, keď sme my Slováci prijali euro :D
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Nebo se někomu na Západě prostě nelíbí silná koruna.. A takto se mstí.
děkuji za reakci ,ale tam jí nemám,
napsali mi toto :
Your Dead Island 2 order is being reviewed for accuracy
A member of our support team needs to verify the information and will complete the order as soon as it is resolved.

During this time, the order may show as pending on your statement, but we will not complete the charge to your bank or credit card until we figure things out.
Nemáte odkazy spíše na nějaké americké srovnávače cen her rovnou, když už se mám někam registrovat, tak ať je to alespoň nejlevněji, mě ty názvy fanatical, green gaming, atd. stejně nic neříkají, jediné co mi něco říká je ten humble bundle, protože jsem tam dostal nějaké hry zdarma.
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