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Zkusím to dát sem, dokázal by mi někdo poradit? Později když tak přidám překlad, ale třeba hned to první je dost složité na překlad z hlediska významu.
Odpovědi jsou možné jen v barvách -> červená, fialová, modrá, zelená, oranžová, bílá
1. The meek have me in abundance. The haughty have me not, though they have great need of me.
2. To some I am glory, to others I am folly. Most who follow this path find their tomb at the end.
3. Be mindful of your surroundings, postulant. Danger lurks in every shadow.
4. The wise man knows when to take his path. The fools reward for ignoring this path in his own death.
5. The sum of all, the basis of all, only time, patience, and observation together can bring me.
Odpovědi jsou možné jen v barvách -> červená, fialová, modrá, zelená, oranžová, bílá
1. The meek have me in abundance. The haughty have me not, though they have great need of me.
2. To some I am glory, to others I am folly. Most who follow this path find their tomb at the end.
3. Be mindful of your surroundings, postulant. Danger lurks in every shadow.
4. The wise man knows when to take his path. The fools reward for ignoring this path in his own death.
5. The sum of all, the basis of all, only time, patience, and observation together can bring me.